Acupuncturist with numerous local council authorities including Wolverhampton City Council.
Membership of the BAcC also includes professional insurance and indemnity and all treatments conform to the BAcC Code of Ethics of confidentiality, hygiene, and Safe Practice.
He has an Honours degree in Traditional Acupuncture awarded by Oxford (Brookes) University and a Licentiate to practice Acupuncture gained from the College Of Traditional Acupuncture.
Licentiate in Traditional Acupuncture
This was awarded from the College of Traditional Acupuncture. This is a Three Year course linked to the degree in Traditional Acupuncture from Oxford Brookes
Licensed Authorities
Local byelaws stipulate that to practice Acupuncture you need to obtain a license from the local authority where you practice. In Chris’s case he has been Licensed to practice in South Staffordshire, Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Shropshire and Worcestershire.
Chris’s personal message
"We are all unique and individual, and sometimes so are illnesses. As a Traditional Acupuncturist I look for the cause of the problem and not just its symptoms."